Monday, March 1, 2010


So, as I was blog stocking today I realized what a slacker I have become with my own. Not that I believe anyone actually reads this, or cares what we're up to in the desolate land that is southern Idaho, but I've discovered that sometimes it feels good to get on here and pretend that I have an audience : ) There are many things I could blame my lack of blogging effort on, but the excuse I choose is that my camera is broken. Who knew that a $200 camera couldn't survive a 1 year old throwing it across a tile floor?


Patti said...

That sucks about your camera; that's happened to me before.... well, not a child throwing it on a hard surface. But, a tide at a beach sweeping it up and carrying it off a few feet.

Hope everything is going good for you guys.

Lauren Tatton said...

I want pictures! I check up on you all the time! Miss you!