Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Camp

Every year for the past, well. . . at least 30 years, the Buttars family has gone on a Labor Day camp trip. And when I say the Buttars family, I mean EVERYONE - aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins kids, grandparents, and even some of the grandparents siblings and their kids, and also their kids. So, there's a lot of us. The location varies, but this year it was at Emigration campground, near Bear Lake. Since leaving for college I haven't been, so this year we decided to at least make an apperance. For the most part it was a lot of fun and the food was, as always, AMAZING. (our relatives are the dutch oven cook off champions of the midwest) But, being nearly 9 months pregnant and sleeping in a tent kind of put a damper on things, so we didn't stay long.

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